Legal Information

Audatex AUTOonline GmbH
Carl-Schurz-Str. 2
41460 Neuss
Telefon +49 (21 31) 71 80-101
Telefax +49 (21 31) 71 80-401
E-Mail: info@ax-ao.de
Managing Director:
Oliver Blüher, Ferdinand Moers, Arnaud Daniel Nicolas Agostini, Renato Carlo Giger
Registration court: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 187586
VAT no.: DE 812191586
Responsible under section 55 (2) of the interstate Treaty on Broadcasting RstV:
Oliver Blüher
Carl-Schurz-Str. 2, 41460 Neuss
Audatex AUTOonline GmbH (subsequently referred to as ”AUTOonline“) or its partners reserve all photo rights, copyright or other industrial property rights for the content of their websites www.autoonline.de and www.restwertboerse.de. Any use of this content requires our express prior agreement.
In case AUTOonline itself inadvertently infringed the photo rights, copyright or other industrial property rights of a third party, please contact us. We will check the allegation and remove the affected content, if applicable.
(1.) AUTOonline’s own information:
AUTOonline tries to ensure, within reason, that its own information provided on the websites www.autoonline.de and www.restwertboerse.de is correct and complete. Furthermore the information provided on these AUTOonline websites is updated regularly. However, AUTOonline assumes no guarantee for the information provided on this website being current, correct, and complete or for its quality. It is therefore the responsibility of each user of this website to assure himself that the information provided is current, correct, and complete and suits his individual requirements, before using it for his own or other purposes. AUTOonline reserves the right to make modifications or amendments to the information provided without any prior notice.
(2.) User details:
Furthermore AUTOonline assumes no liability or guarantee for the currentness, correctness, completeness or quality of details, which users of the online platforms operated under www.autoonline.de and www.restwertboerse.de provide for the marketing of (1.) accident damaged and used vehicles ("salvage exchange“ and (2.) fleet vehicles (”fleet marketing platform“), and does not adopt such details as its own either. Rather, it is the responsibility of each user to do so. AUTOonline is not obliged to check the user details for their currentness, correctness, completeness or quality. However, should we become aware of possible violations of law, we will immediately remove the affected content.
(3.) Links:
The websites www.autoonline.de and www.restwertboerse.de as well as the associated subdomains contain links to the websites of third parties. We expressly state that AUTOonline has no influence on and no responsibility for the design and content of each linked website. AUTOonline therefore assumes neither a guarantee for the currentness, correctness, completeness or quality of the content provided via those links, nor does AUTOonline adopt these websites or their content as its own. Should we become aware of a violation of law on a website linked by AUTOonline we will immediately remove that link.